When considering your oral health routine, you may have wondered about the benefits of a good mouthwash. If you have checked the oral care aisle at your local department or drug store, you have probably seen that you have many choices when it comes to choosing a mouthwash. There are mouthwashes available that offer anti-cavity benefits and others that are strictly used to freshen your breath. When it comes to making a choice about mouthwash, it is good to consider the needs of your own teeth and gums.
Let’s take a look at the different mouthwashes that are available, and find out what your dentist in Fairfax VA might recommend for your specific needs.
Even the most avid brusher and flosser will develop plaque, and there are mouthwashes available that help to prevent plaque from building up on teeth. As with most mouthwashes, these mouthwashes will also freshen breath, so they provide a double purpose.
Some mouthwashes have fluoride compounds, which provide extra fluoride protection to those people who might need it. Again, these mouthwashes have the added benefit of freshening your breath
If you have particularly sensitive gums, you might benefit from a mouthwash that is designed specifically for people who have some mouth sensitivity. You will also enjoy fresher breath after using this type of mouthwash.
It’s important to note that some mouthwashes contain alcohol, and this can be a problem if the mouthwash is swallowed. If you are purchasing the mouthwash for young children or teenagers, you might want to consider an alcohol-free variety. In addition, mouthwash containing alcohol can potentially be abused by some recovering alcoholics.
Mouthwashes offer a number of different benefits, but if you are not sure which type is right for you, talk to your dentist in Fairfax VA, and ask for some suggestions. Remember to keep up with your twice yearly dental examinations and cleanings to keep your oral health in good shape. Call us for an appointment today!